Friday, May 1, 2009

Tinkerin Workshop on the Go

Tomorrow I'm conducting a workshop for Nikki, down in Boones Mill, VA. We're going to be doing the "Tinkerin'" Workshop on the Go, from the new summer catalog. I made my sample pages tonight, and I've got a real tender spot in my heart for these pictures. They were all taken by my Great-Aunt Frances, about 35 years ago, give or take. After her death, her son, my cousin Mel, sent the pictures to my mother, and she shared them with my brother and me. They are treasures to me. My brother and I are, thankfully, very close, and have been for most of our lives. I love looking at these ... we were constant companions, and I'm so glad for those years together at home in Markham Hollow.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I can see where that 'mischievious' little smirk came from...:) JK!!! looks good.

